Examples from simulation studies for ProBio
This interactive web-app was designed to illustrate the features of the ProBio study using simulated examples under different scenarios:
- scenario 1: no treatment works better in any signature
- scenario 2: one treatment (Carboplatin) works better (HR = 0.5)
- scenario 3: one treatment (Carboplatin) works better (HR = 0.4) only in the disease subtype belonging to the signature DRD+
- scenario 4: hormonal therapies work better in the signature TP53- & AR-, Carboplatin in the signature DRD+, while chemotherapies work better in the signature TEfus+ with HR ranging from 0.4 to 0.27.
Read the pdf in the panel Stat to know more on how probabilities of superiority are computed.
Additional slides are available here for describing the aim, study design and main statistical aspects of the ProBio study.
Treatment effects accross disease subtypes in terms of progression free survival (PFS)
Graduation output
Final probabilities of superiority
Enrolled participants
Probabilities of superiority (signatures)
Probabilities of superiority (subtypes)
Randomization probabilities (subtype)
Enrolled participants over time
Rates over time
Analysis of final simulated results
Kaplan-Meier results:
Randomization probabilities
Enrolled participants (signatures)
Enrolled participants (subtypes)
Number of progressions (subtype)
Accumulated person-month (subtype)
Probability of superiority (subtype)
Probability of superiority (signature)